Good ol' Mississipi has few ridiculous animal regulations, which, considering the ones they do have, is quite surprising.
• Horses are not to be housed within 50 feet of any road. We'll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume this is for the protection of the horses.
• Horn honking is not permitted, as it might scare horses. Anywhere? At all? Huh. Good thing this isn't a New York law. And good thing the horses are 50 feet from the road, just in case. I know I've accidentally bumped the horn a few times in my day. I thought the sheer embarrassment was enough, but I'll count myself thankful that I wasn't arrested.
• Cattle rustling is punishable by hanging. "Rustle" isn't a word I often use, and on the rare occasion I do, I mean "a rustle sound." I didn't think that's what Mississippi meant, so I looked up "rustle" in the dictionary. It turns out that this rustling means we may not "round up and steal" cattle, or be hanged. Other animals are fair game, I suppose.
• You may not fish by using an Uzi. I think it's because the horses might get scared, because I certainly can't think of any other reason why fishing with an Uzi would be an issue.
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